Entries Presented by Dr. John Randall – Zyvex Labs |
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The rules include the following:
In 2011, 41 entries were submitted. There were many outstanding micrographs. The
work represented in the submitted micrographs covered a wide range of fields
including micro mechanical, photonic, and integrated circuit fabrication,
chemical and dry etching, laser optics, carbon nanotube structures, carbon
nanotube growth experiments, biological samples, material science
experiments and, of course, e-beam, ion beam, and nano imprint lithography
The panel of judges who selected the award winners were:
• David Ricketts
The Awards are:
• Entries have to be of a single image taken with a microscope and not significantly altered.
• There is no restriction with respect to the subject matter.
• Electron and ion micrographs have to be black and white.
• Jens Gobrecht - PSI
• Alex Liddle - NIST
• Michelle Simmons - UNSW
• First Prize
• Second Prize
• Third Prize
The judges also selected 6 Honorable Mentions.
All 2011 Entries (with original titles)
Judges exercised their prerogative to change the micrograph titles if it pleased them.
Title: "µ-Cocktail Glass Set for the Winners" (Ancient Design)
The patterns are fabricated in Silicon by two step self-aligned DRIE process
with different etch depths using only one lithography step. A thin thermal oxide
layer grown after the 1st (deeper) etch step allows the high selectivity between
two etchings ("glass" thickness ~50-80 nm). The outer decoration effect results
from the sidewall passivation.
Magnification (3"x4" image): 2k X
Instrument: FEI XL30-ESEM FEG
Submitted by: Pavlina Choleva, Stefan Partel, Peter Hudek
Affiliation: Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences. Dornbirn Austria.
Title: "Did You Leave the Cooker on?"
Title: "Polar
Bear surfacing in a Hole in the Ice"
Title: "Escher"
Title: "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds"
Nanoimprinting defects of a low surface energy UV-NIL resist prototype at the
periphery of the coating on a Silicon wafer.
Title: Smurf Forest
Title: Ribbitt!
Title: Fight
Title: What you see is just in your mind...
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Spirals patterned in a SOI wafer gets out for unknown reason. Be careful! Don't
look too close at the hypnotic spirals.
Magnification (3"x4" image): 1.3k X
Instrument: SEM Hitachi S-4800
Submitted by: Seichepine Florent
Affiliation: CNRS LAAS
Third Prize
LZT dry and wet-chemically etched.
Magnification (3"x4" image): 11000 X
Instrument: XL40 FEG-SEM (Philips/FEI)
Submitted by: Harry van Esch, Falco van Delft
Affiliation: Philips Innovation Services, Eindhoven
Honorable Mention
PMMA resist patterned by a combination of grayscale electron beam lithography
and thermal post-processing.
Magnification (3"x4" image): 5 KX
Instrument: Carl Zeiss, Supra 55VP
Submitted by: Arne Schleunitz
Affiliation: Paul Scherrer Institut Villigen, Switzerland
Honorable Mention
The whole lifetime of a flower in one snap-shot. From the roots to the
Magnification (3"x4" image): 2.5 X
Instrument: Olympus BX51M
Submitted by: Hakan Atasoy
Affiliation: Micro Resist Technology GmbH. Berlin, Germany.
Honorable Mention
Nano Kaltalpa Trees. This is the coolest MicroGraph ever!!
Magnification (3"x4" image): 50KX
Instrument: FEI NovaNano SEM600
Submitted by: Frans Holthuysen
Affiliation: Philips Research Europe High Tech Campus. The Netherlands.
Honorable Mention
Hillock formed during PECVD Si3N4 deposition at 300oC
on Ti/Al.
Magnification (3"x4" image): 65000X
Instrument: XL40 FEG-SEM (Philips/FEI)
Submitted by: Harry van Esch, Falco van Delft
Affiliation: Philips Innovation Services, Eindhoven
Honorable Mention
A honeycomb microlens array formed by UV-polymerization of a negative resist.
The polymerization is a free radical process and the both, the O2 and
the pre-polymer fight to catch the radicals.
Magnification (3"x4" image): 1.76 KX
Instrument: Zeiss FESEM UltraPlus
Submitted by: Manuel Gomez
Affiliation: CIQUS, Santiago de Compostela University. Santiago de
Compostela, Spain.
Honorable Mention
Stress in an overplated Fresnel zone plate made of Au caused it to bow
and delaminate from the substrate.
Magnification (3"x4" image): 10 KX
Instrument: Carl Zeiss, Supra 55VP
Submitted by:Arne Schleunitz
Affiliation: Paul Scherrer Institute. Villigen, Switzerland.