The Randalls Hideout.
The Magnificent columns! (They aren't really structural.)
The Back Porch. Guarded by our Devil Dog MAX, who has wound himself up.
A couple of views of the Pool. We still have quite a bit of landscaping to do.
Some inside iron work and our entry stairwell.
Two views of the Living Room. John keeps offering to move furniture into this room but Patrice keeps telling him not to. John is confused. Either this means that Patrice doesn't want any furniture in her new living room, OR she is subtly trying to get John to figure something out?
Before and After.
Detail of the built in cabinet at the end of the den. John was the carpenter. Really!
The Master Bedroom and Natatorium. Patrice has only begun to make drapes.
See the Historical House Construction BLOG.
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These pages were last updated on Dec. 23, 2005.