Howdy Yall! Well the Randalls, Ian, Ashley, Patrice and John (in order as established by the product of weight, age, IQ, cuteness and ability to drool) have made it through yet another year. We bring you the following update to keep you better informed on the important aspects of our history, so when you are asked by visiting foreign dignataries you will be able to answer questions about us with confidence.
Tales of Ian (Unabashed Baby Bragging Part II): Ian Jefferson Randall is 14 months old, has curly blond hair and blue eyes (recessive genes, that's our story and we are sticking with it), flirts outrageously with pretty girls, has 6 teeth, does the 100 yard naked baby run in 10 seconds, likes to pull Ashley's and Isis's hair, likes to mop the floor, has consumed several books on chess, and has attempted to repot the plants in the white living room on a weekly basis. Other than that he is a perfect baby.
Ashley Update:
Patty-rice-cakes Profile:
Home repairs:
Junk about John:
The Randall Report: Brother Mike and wife Vicki are appearently too busy (Mike collecting money and Vicki opening stores) to have another baby. This is a shame because Kalli (now 2) is ridiculously cute. Sister Cindy and Hubby Bob have their hands full with Shelly, Kelsie, Sunnye, & Brett. Business at Gym USA has really picked up since they started the mud wrestling. John's parents, Bill and Vee are still in Houston and doing well. Vee has been busy writing poetry and has already had several poems published.
Coming next Year!
John to learn Japanese. Ashley to lose all of her teeth. Ian to memorize Gettysburg address. Patrice to learn to waterski. Very Important People to visit. New trees in yard. Armoire to be designed. Isis to gag up fur balls.
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