Ubiquity Magazine (June 27, 2000)
The magazine interviewed Zyvex for their article titled “Nanotechnology: Designs for the Future.”
Chemical & Engineering News (February 28, 2000)
“NASA goes NANO” and “NanoSpace 2000: Melding Two Worlds,” by Ron Dagani.
TechWeek (February 7, 2000)
“Small Change: Nanotechnology promises to change life with molecular machines” by Ed Frauenheim,
vol. 3 no. 3, p14-15.
Gentry (February, 2000)
“It’s a small, small world” by Karen O’Leary.
Wired magazine’s (January 2000)
The magazine had an interesting nanomedicine article on the Wired.com web site.
Red Herring (January 2000)
Niall McKay’s article, “Nanotechnology: the tiniest science is getting big” is no longer available.
Business 2.0 (February 1999)
The magazine had an article about Zyvex in their edition entitled, “Let’s Get Small.”
Wired.com (November 9, 1998)
The site ran an article on nanotechnology.
Red Herring (September 1998)
The magazine had a short article about molecular nanotechnology. The article is no longer available.
EE Times (March 28, 1998)
The magazine ran a story entitled, “Nanotechnology thrives on the Web.”