←2005 |
2007→ |
The 50th International Conference on
Electron, Ion and Photon Beam Technology
Nanofabrication Bizarre/Beautiful
Micrograph Contest
“A good Micrograph is worth more than the MegaByte it consumes.”
Results Submitted by Dr. John Randall
The rules included the following:
• Entries had to be of a single image taken with a microscope and could not be significantly altered.
• There was no restriction with respect to the subject matter.
• Electron and ion micrographs had to be black and white.
In 2006, 81 entries were submitted. There were many outstanding micrographs. The work represented in the submitted micrographs covered a wide range of fields including micro mechanical, photonic, and integrated circuit fabrication, chemical and dry etching, laser optics, carbon nanotube structures, carbon nanotube growth experiments, biological samples, material science experiments and, of course, e-beam, ion beam, x-ray, and photo lithography experiments.
The panel of judges who selected the award winners were:
• Stella Pang
• Eric Winfree
• Shalom Wind
• Felice Frankel
There were Six Awards
• Best Electron Micrograph
• Best Ion Micrograph
• Most Screwed up Micrograph
• Best Photon (optical) Micrograph
• Best Scanning Probe Micrograph
• Grand Prize
There were nine Honorable Mentions.
Judges exercised their prerogative to liberally interpret the award categories
and change the micrograph titles.
Best Electron Micrograph
Title: West Side Story
In the so-called Bosch process plasma etchingis done by SF6plasma.
Magnification: 20.000X
Instrument: Philips XL40FEG
Submitted by: Frans Holthuysen & Falco van Delft
Affiliation: Philips Research Labs, Eindhoven, the Netherlands
Title: Yoga Class
They do aerobic exercise everyday. Aerobic dancing is very good for hearth and possible to forget unpleasant things. Let’s do aerobics together and enjoy our lives.
Magnification (3″x4″ image): 36,000x
Instrument (Make and Model): SII NanoTechnology Inc. / SMI2050MS2
Submitted by: Chiaki Minari & Shinji Matsui
Affiliation: University of Hyogo)
Title: Screwed Up
300nm diameter nanosculpted pillars pile-up from scribing damage at the cleaved edge of a Silicon wafer.
Magnification: ~15 000X
Instrument: LEO 1550 SEM
Submitted by: Keith Morton
Affiliation: Princeton University
Title: Persian Fresco
Double layer hydrogen silsesquioxane film cracks after high temperature anneal.
Magnification (3″x4″ image): 100X
Instrument (Make and Model): Olympus MX50 optical microscope
Submitted by: Hao Lin Affiliation
Affifliation: Cornell University
Best Scanning Probe Micrograph
Title: Stephen Chou’s Flower Garden
Lithographically induced self assembly (LISA) pattern at the edge of an imprinted sample forms trees at peak color in the foliage season along a river bank.
Magnification: 125X
Instrument: Olympus MX40 (Nomarski objective)
Submitted by: Qiangfei Xia
Affiliation: Princeton University
Title: Micro Steps
Fracture is destructive; but it can also reveal the hidden beauty of the layered steps inside closed pores in La0.8Ca0.2CoO3.
Magnification (3″x4″ image): 40,000X
Instrument (Make and Model): Hitachi S-4700 SEM
Submitted by: Siddhartha Pathak
Affiliation: Drexel University
Title: MicroMite
Un-cured resist forms a tiny mite during the mold separation process of a failed nanoimprint lithography.
Magnification: 5,080X
Instrument: LEO 1550 SEM
Submitted by: Qiangfei Xia
Affiliation: Princeton University
Honorable Mention
Title: Peace of World
Description: There are six continents in the world.
But penguins only live in Antarctica.
It’s very important to take each other’s hands all over the world like this photograph.
Magnification (3″x4″ image): 36,000X
Instrument (Make and Model): SII NanoTechnology Inc. / SMI2050MS2
Submitted by: Chiaki Minari & Shinji Matsui
Affiliation: University of Hyogo
Honorable Mention
Title: Tungsten Toke
1 micron Mylar film sputtered with tungsten and shrunk with heat
Magnification (3″x4″ image): 800X
Instrument (Make and Model): LEO1525 SEM
Submitted by: Dhara Parikh
Affiliation: University of Houston
Honorable Mention
Title: The Troll
Polymer self assembly makes everyone smile.
(18nm half-pitch line/space pattern formed from lamellar phase diblock copolymer).
Magnification (3″x4″ image): 50kX
Instrument (Make and Model): Leo 1560
Submitted by: Charles Black
Affiliation: IBM Research
Honorable Mention
Title: Vertigo
Description: Nanostructures fabricated in a (110)-oriented silicon sample by EBL and anisotropic wet etching in TMAH.
Magnification: 6.430X
Instrument (Make and Model): SEM LEO 1530
Submitted by: Irene Fernández-Cuesta
Affiliation: CNM – Barcelona
Honorable Mention
Title: OH NO! Mr. Bill!
Description: Voids in steel fracture at 3keV
Magnification (3″x4″ image): 4kX
Instrument (Make and Model): Hitachi S-4800
Submitted by: Mike Hernandez
Affiliation: Hitachi High Technologies America
Honorable Mention
Title: Menage a Trois
PDMS elastomer pillars cast from a Silicon master bend and touch.
Magnification: ~7 000X
Instrument: LEO 1550 SEM
Submitted by: Keith Morton
Affiliation: Princeton University
Honorable Mention
Title: Bottom Feeder
There is plenty of room at the bottom for this new life form discovered on Planet Silicon.
Magnification: 33 000X
Instrument: LEO 1550 SEM
Submitted by: Keith Morton
Affiliation: Princeton University
Honorable Mention
Title: I am your Father…
The dark side of the force corrupts a lift-off process, extruding polymer out from under a layer of chrome.
Magnification: 425 000X
Instrument: LEO 1550 SEM
Submitted by: Keith Morton
Affiliation: Princeton University