In the last few months, we have been awarded renewals of three research programs, Phase II SBIRs on fabrication of bipolar devices, and on STM spectroscopy to count buried dopants, and a Phase IIB STTR to commercialize our MEMS STM. These are funded by the Advanced Manufacturing Office of DOE for the next two years.
“Atomically Precise Ultra-High Performance 2D Micro Electronics” – the fabrication of bipolar atomic-scale devices
“Atomically Precise Scanning Probe Based Analysis of Activated Dopants for 2D Micro Electronics” – metrology of devices and counting single buried dopants
“High-Speed Platform for Highly Parallel STM Lithography and Hierarchical Assembly” – MEMS-based STM
These important programs will push forward different aspects of our work towards our overall goal of automated STM lithography for atomic-scale devices.
The outcomes of these programs could also be useful enhancements to the general STM world. The MEMS STM enables stable imaging at over 2 um/s scan speed for example. The spectroscopy tools developed for the Dopants program, would enable new modes of STM imaging.