Awarded New Research Grants Summer 2021

In the last few months, we have been awarded renewals of three research programs, Phase II SBIRs on fabrication of bipolar devices, and on STM spectroscopy to count buried dopants, and a Phase IIB STTR to commercialize our MEMS STM.  These are funded by the Advanced Manufacturing Office of DOE for the next two years. 

“Atomically Precise Ultra-High Performance 2D Micro Electronics” – the fabrication of bipolar atomic-scale devices

“Atomically Precise Scanning Probe Based Analysis of Activated Dopants for 2D Micro Electronics” – metrology of devices and counting single buried dopants

“High-Speed Platform for Highly Parallel STM Lithography and Hierarchical Assembly” – MEMS-based STM

These important programs will push forward different aspects of our work towards our overall goal of automated STM lithography for atomic-scale devices. 

The outcomes of these programs could also be useful enhancements to the general STM world. The MEMS STM enables stable imaging at over 2 um/s scan speed for example.  The spectroscopy tools developed for the Dopants program, would enable new modes of STM imaging.