Two papers in JVST B

We have two papers published in the same edition of JVST B, both related to work we are doing in collaboration with Prof. Reza Moheimani at UT Dallas and his students. This work is funded by the DOE.

The first paper concerns a new high-speed method of capturing I-V data at each pixel of an STM image, using a high-frequency modulation of the bias, while maintaining the tip height over the surface with the feedback control loop.

The second paper concerns our development of a MEMS device to act as the z-actuator of the STM, giving much higher sensitivity in the z-direction, and thus allowing for much fast scanning with atomic resolution.

“An ultra-fast method for scanning tunneling spectroscopy,” 

Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 39, 042802 (2021);

 “Atomic precision imaging with an on-chip STM integrated into a commercial UHV STM system,” 

Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 39, 040603 (2021);