The 2021 Randall Christmas Newsletter

The second year of the 3rd Decade of the 21st Century! Exquisitely Awful! What a pile of dog droppings! -
On the other hand, there were some Silver -scratch that - Bronze Linings! I have gotten a LOT of quality time with our puppy Zephyr and have saved his life seveal times, for instance when he has chewed up a number of Patrice's favorite things. I have also gotten a lot of quality time with our son Ian, more on that later.

The year did start off with some promise, Patrice and I both were vaccinated. In June we went to the beach for several days and shopped in Galveston without masks and ate some wonderful seafood, and then Delta and later Omicron came!

FIRST The BAD NEWS: Ian and Sarah are divorced.

A more crowded household:

The good news is that, at least for a while, Ian and his pup Cooper are now living with us, which we very much enjoy. John likes having someone else in the house who will vacuum the floors. And Zephyr has another playmate which turns out to be Cooper. This s great at keeping our pup occupied and happier, although we have had a few items broken with their wrestling. Start the video and watch how frenetic Zephyr is and how he makes all of the noise while Cooper calmly maintains control of the contested toy.

In other activities not captured on Video: Ian has introduced some new family activities, including playing Skip Bo, Yahtzee, and Phase 10, almost every night. Patrice has an unusual approach to card games. No matter what cards she is dealt or draws, she proclaims them the most terrible cards she could posibly receive. More than once or twice she has made such pronouncements, and 30 seconds later lays down a winning combination of cards. Ian and John want her to enter a professional poker tournament.

Ian's health and fitness expertise has helped us with some new culinary skills and workout plans. Usually this is a good thing, except a platter of Christmas treats carry a note requesting 20 push ups or squats before indulging.

Ashley Update: Ashley and Ian Roettger (LA Ian) are doing well in California. They both continue to stay busy with their careers. Ian is now (enjoying?) the load of work that his company's Big contract (mentioned in last year's newsletter) is bringing. Because of some health issues that Ian's father Tim has had to deal with (he is feeling better now), Ian has had to step up and handle a larger share of the work. In spite of busy schedules, Ian and Ashley have done a major landscaping project in their back yard, which turned out very nicely. They even dealt with a gopher or 2, which were going through the neighborhood causing lawn destruction. Ashley's business as a full time Intimacy Coach has continued to grow in no small part because of clients referred to her by several local psychologists. These professionals appreciate Ashley's value, expertise, and approach to their clients' problems. Ashley is continuing her vocational training and certification to expand her knowledge of the range of human experiences and her business has grown because of this. To deal with whatever emotional baggage that she has to shed when working with her clients, as mentioned in last year s newsletter, Ashley enjoys axe throwing, knife throwing, and shooting large ball bearings with a wicked sling shot. This year she and Ian have added trips to "Smash Shops" where they can pay money for the pleasure of raining violent destruction on discarded household items. Ashley has also been bitten by the entrepreneurial bug and was looking into buying land out in the deserts of California to develop as a camping retreat, but those plans are currently on hold. We must sadly report that Ashley and Ian's beloved dog Mambo has passed into doggy heaven where he now happily frolics. Their cats, Gwen and Senor Beau, still keep them warm at night. -
                New Hot Tub!                                 Land Ashley won't buy.

Ian enjoying Christmas
More Ian (Texas) Stuff: Besides getting divorced and moving in with his parents, Ian has been occupied with a number of other matters: He has continued to work at Equinox which involves, (as John and Patrice have discovered) getting up at O'Dark Thirty most every morning, driving into the Highland Park area and spending most of the day being the personal trainer for a very interesting collection of very rich individuals. He also keeps up with a collection of old and new friends with whom he goes mountain biking, skating, shooting (Ian has become quite the Gun-Enthusiast), and going out on the town. Along with all of this other activities, he and Sarah sold their house (splitting a ridiculously large profit) and Ian also sold (reluctantly) his nicely refurbished 350Z. But what has occupied most of his non-working time is a new effort: one of his Equinox clients got Ian involved to develop a "Guntry-Club" indoor gun range in Granbury, Texas. He has a location, an architectural plan, and most of the down payment on the required loan, and is continuing to work on the specifics of the venture.

Pet Report: As I write this, Zephyr (Ram-Butt) Randall is fast approaching his second year on the planet. My understanding is that puts him at about 17 in puppy years. We are hoping that this means he will soon exit his rebellious teenage puppy years. He has calmed down only a little:
  1. Shoes left unattended on floors have had their half- life extended from minutes to hours.
  2. It has been months since we had to save Zephyr's life by forcing H2O2 down his throat.
  3. He has only chewed on 2 Christmas tree ornaments and one gift so far
  4. He has stopped chewing on furniture, baseboards, and drywall.
  5. He is much better behaved when we have a squirt gun in our hands.
  6. He still runs away with stuff he grabs out of garbage pales but he will drop it when Patrice goes "Crazy Mama" and threatens him with a water squirt.
Zephyr really likes having Cooper around and they have lots of games that they play. See one of their favorites in the video in a section above. But after a while the (very distinguished) Cooper says enough is enough and positions himself to avoid the insatiable and irritating insistence of Zephyr.
    Cooper Protects His Flanks

Patrice Activities:
Patrice s activities have included working hard to keep her family healthy. She got John on the Richardson Vaccine signup list very early and has been vigilant in making sure those in her immediate sphere of influence (herself and John) are among the vaccinated and uninfected. Ashley and Ian (Texas) (not completely under her control) both were infected, had mild cases, and can still taste and smell things.

Patrice has done little abstract art painting in this past year. Concerned about Zephyr eating anything left unattended, she stopped using our dining room table as her workplace. Lately she has orchestrated a conversion of our upstairs media room into her new art center. Ian has requested a commission and Santa brought lots of art supplies and other art enhancing accoutrements.

John Junk:
John has managed to stay busy during the 2nd year of the pandemic. He is:
  • CEO of Zyvex Labs: 2021 has seen Zyvex continue to get excellent support from 6 US Government programs and have some exciting progress in the technology. There is a lot of world wide interest in quantum technologies which needs atomic scale precision which Zyvex is well positioned to provide. It is now up to John to follow up with potential customers to bring in more revenue. Zyvex is having some success in finding industrial customers that aren t interested in Quantum Technologies but can benefit from some of the technologies that the company has developed to make atomic precision patterning possible.
  • Executive VP of Nanoretina: This is a firm that we (Zyvex) have worked with for over a decade to develop an artificial retina. It was really the amazing Rahul Saini that developed the artificial retina implant that is now being used in Europe to restore sight to the blind. The first implants were done in the beginning of 2020 but progress was seriously hampered when the pandemic shut down the world. However, the implants have resumed with some exciting results. One patient in particular (#106) totally blind for many years was implanted over a year ago and now sees well enough to move around his house unaided, play checkers, and know if someone who he is talking to is wearing glasses. Zyvex, Rahul and (to a small extent) myself having provided the implant technology are not playing an active role at this time other than to cheerlead as Nanoretina is now talking to the FDA about trials in the US.
  • Executive VP of Teliatry: I mentioned the Amazing Rahul Saini above and his major role in developing the Nanoretina implant. I hired Rahul in 2001, (one of my best moves at Zyvex) and for roughly 2 decades was Rahul s boss. But now in Teliatry, Rahul is my boss. We spun out Teliatry as a Biomedical Manufacturing company a couple of years ago because Rahul was convinced that the technology he developed for Nanoretina was going to be useful for a lot of other things. It appears that he was correct. Working with some excellent people at UT Dallas, Teliatry has provided large numbers of Vagus Nerve implants that are being used in 3 different clinical trials to rewire their brains to solve a number of problems. There are already some spectacular results including one young lady with a spinal cord injury who had lost the ability to use her hands. After implantation and some therapy using the implant she can now open doors and pick up cups and glasses to drink. Click here to see video. Rahul has masterfully landed two DARPA projects and has arranged a business agreement with a new Biomedical Device c ompany that will use Teliatry implants in a new product.
  • CSO of Rapid Molecular Diagnostics:Working with a very talented group: Dr. Gary Maale, Matt Malle and Dr, Greg Tobin, we continue to try to develop a medical diagnostic platform technology for a wide variety of diseases.
  • Adjunct Professor at University of Texas at Dallas: Primarily working with the World Class Control System Engineer Prof. Reza Moheimani on technology to support the development of atomically precise manufacturing, starting out with solid state quantum devices.
  • Chief Maintenance Officer at Queen of Sheba Enterprises (Patrice Randall CEO) : While Patrice does most of the work around the Randall Household, John does provide some manual labor. My principal duties are: vacuuming, pool maintenance, front yard garbage and recycling placement, dog personal trainer, dog defecation facilitator, dog poop retrieval, furniture moving, appliance repair, take out go-fer, and whatever else Patrice wants me to do.
  • Officer of the Texas Chapter of the AVS: I listed this minor role as an excuse to provide a link to a video of Prof. Alex Ignatiev of the University of Houston and CTO of Lunar Resources. When I was a grad student at UH I did a small amount of work for Alex. He has been a pioneer in using space as an industrial resource doing some molecular beam epitaxy in space in the 90s. He was about to retire when NASA reached out to him to do some additional space-based work including manufacturing on the moon! Really! I am not making this up! If you are the least bit of a science geek, watch the video, its about 50 minutes, but well worth seeing.
After you start the video, you can expand the image to full screen, adjust the volume, start and pause the video, as suits you.

The Randalls' Week Long Christmas Party
Ashley and her significant other L.A. Ian came to visit us for a week centered around Christmas. The range of activities was broad. We played Dungeons and Dragons (the first time for John, Patrice, and Texas Ian), we threw axes and knives in the backyard, we read poetry, we told jokes, we watched Christmas Movies, and we went shopping. We cooked and cooked, and we ate and ate (and ate). Ashley and LA Ian made John cocktails from his Christmas Cocktail Recipe list. Also we fed: Addax, Aodads, Arrabian Oryxs, Axis Deers, Blackbucks, Dama Gazelles, Emus, Gemsboks, Giraffes, Greater Kudus, Ostrichs, Roans, Sables, Scimitar-Horned Oryxs, Wildebeests, and Zebras. We also saw some Chettahs and Rhinos. In other words, we went to Fossil Rim Wildlife Center. See photos form our varied activities below.

Seconds before a
hand is slimed

Ian's Close Encounter

Feeding Critters

Handsome Aoudad

Hungry Zebra

Ashley Throws Axes and Knives.

Zeph's New Bed

Texas Ian opens a present

Ash opens Hawaiian Bathing Suit

Patrice Opens An Art Vault

LA Ian opens Tissue Box

Patrice & Zephyr

The Relativity Report

Randall Ramblings: Johns brother Mike and his Wife Margaret are both retired and still in Houston. Well, sort of retired in Mike's case. He keeps finding time to help out friends like Kevin Williams and Tres Ginther. Mike and Margaret have stayed active in Biking and raising money for worthy causes. Mike had the misfortunre of crashing his bike and then having Margaret run over him. Fortunately no major injury to either. They also were kind enough to let John stay at their house while John went to his 50th high school reunion. John's Sister Cindy and Hubby Skip are definitley not retired and are still making sure young gymnasts in Texas and surrounding states are still wearing the latest sequined and/or sparkly fashions.

The Stepchinski Report:
Patrick, Patrice's older brother has retired (we think), he and Erica still live in Houston. Their daughter Leanne is working on her PhD in Geology in Florida. Their son Alan has gone back to school (UT Austin) to get a degree in Nursing. Patrice's baby brother Nigel and wife Rhonda are also living in Houston (though the other end of it) and may or may not be retired at this moment. Their daughter Caitlin (Nurse) and husband Tyler (Fireman) now have two beautiful little girls. Their son Kyle is working as a business analyst.

Randall Family 2021

Top row: Ian (Texas) Randall, Ashley Randall, and Ian (LA) Roettger
Bottom Row: Patrice (Queen of Sheba) Randall and John Randall

The Randalls wish you all a Happy and Prosperous 2022!

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