Our system contains all of the necessary outputs and software to apply/read voltages to/from:
4 fine x/y channels
1 fine z channel
3 coarse XYZ channels
1 tip bias channel
pre-amp gain control
pre-amp bias control
amplified current input
With these controls the user should be able — assuming adequate tip/sample/system quality — to perform STM scanning and HDL of complex patterns.
We expect the following functionality:
Fast walk-in. This mode is where the coarse ramp rate is kept too high (50,000 nm/s) for effective tunneling detection. This is performed under optical feedback.
Automated walk-in. This mode is just like Fast walk-in, except it is performed with a slower tip ramp rate (on order of 1000-2000 nm/s) and a high (~-9V tip) voltage. When a current is detected, the coarse piezo freezes and the fine piezo retracts from the surface a specified amount. Feedback is otherwise “on” here.
Engage. This mode uses scanning conditions to bring the tip into contact with the sample. This is a very slow Automated walk-in followed by a “homing” process.
Tip stepping
We can move the tip sideways in x/y, using coarse piezos with the tip retracted from the surface a safe distance.
Scanning of the surface with any size from 1-10,000 nm in x/y with rectangular scan aspect ratios available.
Minimum scan pixel grid defined as 135V*calibration(nm/V)/216/division.
division selectable between 1, 4, 14.
(alternately: nominal scan range determined as 135V*calibration(nm/V)/division)
Fast scan direction arbitrarily defined between 0 and 359.9 degrees relative to piezo tube axes.
Many other scan controls available, as established in SCANZ.
Two modes possible
AP mode
FE mode
Three input modes
Bitmap input with each bitmap pixel correlating to a surface pixel of two dimers.
Lattice pattern input with tip following a lattice registered path
Litho pattern input independent of lattice if necessary (i.e., not necessarily a “Manhattan geometry” approach.)
Advanced position controls (assuming adequate sample and tip condition)
Piezo tube calibration based on lattice recognition, at least over the central portion of the scan range.
Including determination of lattice angle relative to piezo tube axis.
Linear creep correction in x/y
Initial optimization of creep over timescales of 0.1s – 3600s
Optimized over central portion of scan range, applied over entire piezo-tube range
Lattice phase recognition
Scripting capabilities
We will provide scripts for test HDL patterns as well as additional scripts for basic functions and basic device patterns.
Additional image and data archiving and analysis tools.
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For more information, please contact info@zyvexlabs.com.