Zyvex Labs has developed nanofabrication processes that can be applied to a wide variety of nanotechnology projects. In particular we have patterning capabilities with unprecedented resolution and precision. We accomplish this with a modified Scanning Tunneling Microscope which does Hydrogen Depassivation Lithography (HDL), which is a variant of E-beam Lithography but has sub-nm resolution, critical dimension control and pattern placement accuracy. This technology is appliled primarily to Si surfaces and uses a sub-nm pixel (0.768nm) to define the patterns. This pixel is tied to the Si surface lattice and corresponds to a square that contains 4 Si atoms. Figure 1 illustrates atomically precise patterns produced with HDL: (left) An open box 5 pixels (3.8nm) on a side; (center) four 6-pixel (4.5 nm) boxes, 20 pixels apart; (right) 5 boxes, each 2-pixels wide.
We also can provide patterning, etching, and deposition using a wide range of nanofabrication techniques on 4 and 6 inch wafers. If you know what you want fabricated but need help designing a process to create the desired device or structure, we can help you realize your nanotechnology research or product goals. We have a very experienced staff with greater than > 5 decades of micro and nanofabrication experience. For more information, please contact info@zyvexlabs.com. |