The 2006
Randall's Christmas Newsletter
Randalls' House is Furnished!!! (Well Almost)
is on third major (Its French). Ashley
is a senior at the |
Ian Ian
is now 17. His birthday party
was quite an event (see picture).
He is now driving a car, is a junior at
- |
Patrice: Patrice
has been busy trying to fill up the new Randall household. She has
constructed drapes, gardens, and has employed cheap labor (John) put things
in their proper place, Check out
the video tour of our living room. Patrice broke her foot base jumping off of
the |
Pet Report: Max
is an old puppy now, but doesn 't know it. He still has fun herding Ian around the house and
protecting us from anyone who comes near, at least until they scratch him
behind the ears. Max is almost a perfect pet until one considers his breath
which is like a gentle breeze wafting through the bilge of a shrimp boat. |
The Randall 's Grand John
won a $5 bet with Zyvex HR Manager Kerri Veitch, by doing no Zyvex work for a
whole week when the Randall family (minus Max) took a Cruise Ship around the
Caribbean, Ian and Ashley
played on Mexican beaches, John and Ian went SCUBA diving off of Cozumel,
Ashley and Patrice went shopping. John and Patrice basked in the beauty of
having to do nothing. |
John 's parents Vee
and Bill are still living in |
The Stepchinskis: Patrice 's mother Anita has been in poor
health. She suffered what they think was a heart attack several weeks ago, and
though she is doing much better, is still in the hospital. Patrice 's father Eddie is doing his
best to hold things together.
Patrice 's brothers Nigel and Patrick actually came to
art by Bengt Nilsson, Chalmers Nanofabrication Laboratory
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