The 2022 Randall Christmas Newsletter

We hope that all of our good readers managed to navigate 2022 with elegance, good health, and a minimum of tribulations. For the Randalls in 2022, COVID has been largely a thing of the past, just some minor annoyances like supply chain issues and inflation (we are not blaming COVID for that!). John (in spite of ignoring many of Patrice's hygiene instructions) has avoided the disease. We can no longer claim the same for Patrice (see more on this later). Ian and Ashley have both been infected with mild cases and recovered completely. With Patrice willing to let essential personnel back in the house, many long delayed home repairs were enacted in 2022 (more on that later). John has started traveling again and Zyvex Labs had a good year.

In 2020 my Cousin Buffy provided 10 interesting observations about the COVID Pandemic. In 2022 my Sister Cindy has provided a link to: 21 versions of Jingle Bells

For several years now, Bryan Smith has kept ShaChelle Devlin Manning and me entertained with a steady stream of hilarity in the form of texts that are generally centered on self-deprecating music and musicians. Here are just a few examples:

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Ian and Cooper adjust to new Apartment.

FIRST The GOOD NEWS: Ian has moved out of our house into an apartment of his own.

While we will miss having Ian and his dog Cooper around on a daily basis, it is always a good sign when your offspring can leave the nest. The things we will miss include: regular card playing; Ian cooking (occasionally) for us and introducing new culinary delights; someone to help with cleaning and vacuuming; Zephyr and Cooper running wild in the house; regular axe throwing in the back yard; daily updates on progress towards a gun range in Granbury; John getting to do his regular running with two dogs; access to Ian's impressive set of tools and having a live-in personal trainer.

What we won't miss: Ian's O'Dark Thirty departures for his early sessions at Equinox; double the amount of dog fur tumble-weeds; double the amount of vacuuming to deal with the aforementioned masses of dog fur; and exacerbated barking frenzies due to neighbor's dogs barking, squirrels, rabbits, garbage trucks, airplanes, helicopters, birds, and dogs on TV. The move is good for Ian, as his apartment is much closer to Equinox, there is a great dog park nearby for Cooper to socialize with other dogs, he now has neighbors that are much closer to his age, and, we suspect, is a better arrangement for his dating life.

A recent drawing by Ian.
Ian still comes by about once a week to clean his pickup truck (with some of his power washing tools that don't fit in his apartment), let Cooper and Zephyr play, to hang out with Patrice and John, play a card game or two, and to go to a local gun range with his dad. He also keeps us up to date on his efforts to build the gun range in Granbury. Progress on the gun range seems very slow, but there is progress.

Ian has also been meeting the two Chrises to go roller blading on a fairly regular basis and catching up with some other skaters from back in the Eisenburg Skatepark days. Ian continues excercizing his artistic muscles. John and Patrice think that his drawing of a well armed Monk is wonderful.

Patrice, Ian, and John hope to visit family in Houston in January.

In a cross species biology merger experiment gone seriously wrong, Ian and Cooper were merged into a single new life form called the "Six Legged Dogaroo". Fortunately the alien being who performed this experiment agreed that this was a mistake, separated our son and his dog, and promised never to repeat the experiment while on earth.

The short lived Six-Legged Dogaroo.

      Ashley's XMAS Tree

Gwen and Senor Beau exploring.

Ashley Update: Ian is not the only Randall offspring to move to a new apartment. Ashley and Ian Roettger (LA Ian) have concluded that the current arrangement of their relationship, although they still care for each other, is not working out well for either of them. Ashley has moved out of Ian's house in Torrance and has moved into an apartment of her own in Marina del Rey / Venice. See the picture (far left) of her "Buddha Hand" XMAS tree. Her apartment is much closer to most of her clients and since she posted her new location on her business website, she has many new inquiries and clients. Because of her better location, just the second week of living in her new apartment, she had the best revenue week of her career.

After her move, Ashley has continued to see her partner of five years, Justin. Earlier in the year they went camping in Death Valley and later in the year to Bakersfield in search of fossils and came up with a bounty crop of Shark's Teeth as seen in the photos on the near left.

John had business in late November in Northern California and flew down to LA and spent the weekend with Ashley and helped her explore her new neighborhood including some local art galleries and restaurants, and drinking establishments. John is happy to report that Ashley's Kitties Gwen and Senor Beau seem to have forgiven her for moving and seem to be adapting to their new environment. Although Gwen and Senor Beau were not entirely happy to have to share their new apartment with John, they decided not to severely lacerate him. More recently, Ashley decided to let her kitties explore (on a leash) the world outside of their apartment. See the video on the left. Gwen seems to think this is how she can get Ashley to go where Gwen wants to go. Senor Beau does not seem to enjoy exploration.

In 2022 Ashley has been very active in efforts to increase awareness of her business. This includes attending, speaking at, and creating workshops that emphasize making taboo subjects and dynamics between partners more accessible and enhances the different layers of intimacy. As mentioned last year several local therapists and communities in the Los Angeles area have seen the value of Ashley's work and they are continue to send her clients and ask her to lead workshops and discussion groups.

 Ashley and Justin
 in Death Valley

  Bounty of Shark's Teeth.

Pet Report: As I write this, Zephyr (Ram-Butt) Randall is completing his third year on the planet. This puts him at about 24 in dog years. Having passed into his young adult years, while he remains mischievous, his behavior has improved considerably. John is claiming credit for some of this progress because he took Zephyr to dog training "Manners 1 & 2" at "What a great Dog". However, John concedes that Patrice has made a bigger impact using a "Crazy Mama" routine that involves a Squirt Gun, a Pig Bat, and a Germanic Authoritarianism. Consequently, Zephyr no longer chews on shoes, furniture, baseboards, and drywall. With Ian and Cooper moving out, Zephyr mopes a lot and has tried to use John as a surrogate Cooper.

Patrice took this picture of Zephyr while he was trying to see what was going on outside of his dog room. This photo perfectly catches the essence of the youngest Randall.

    The Craziness that is Zephyr

Patrice Activities:
As the COVID variants have gotten a lot less virulent, Patrice has concluded that it is time to allow some external personnel into the house and finish some repair and remodeling tasks started (but not finished) in 2019. Patrice the General Contractor selected some reliable tradespersons (somehow John qualified for some tasks) for extensive drywall work, painting, converting a portion of the attic into a closet, replacing external woodwork with PVCwork, fixing John's Office floor trim, refinishing the front door, replacing lighting fixtures in Patrice's office.

Patrice has decided that this Christmas will be Silver. See the Silver Stag (with a bowl full of Silver spheres stuck in his antlers) and a Silver Christmas Tree adorned with more Silver Spheres and its own Silver Stag on top. No living stags or trees were injured in creating these Christmas Decorations.

Inspired by some visits to the Dallas Arboretum, and the Cottonwood Art Festival (where we had not been for a couple of years), Patrice has also spent some time on developing new painting techniques using her chemical engineering skills and variety of materials to create some interesting space, sky, and aquatic (at least that is what John sees) abstract environments. She has even started a representational painting of a multi-appendage ocean critter. Patrice likes space music. We have everything that Jonn Serrie has released. She also likes space art. While "surfing the net" she came upon Don Dixon's Website. Dixon has painted cover art for many SciFi novels, including Isaac Asimov. When John heard about this he discovered that Dixon had painted the cover art for one of John's (and it turns out Isaac's ) favorite Asimov novels, "The Gods Themselves". Not only that, (I am NOT making this up!) but he still had the original art which he agreed to sell to John and threw in one the paperback book covers. John had this framed.

  Silver Stag

  Silver Tree

  Asimov Cover Art

John Junk:
CEO of Zyvex Labs: In 2021 Zyvex Labs managed to squeak out a profit (by the skin of our collective teeth), but the majority of the revenue came from 6 US Government programs. John has been way too enamored of Zyvex Labs' ability to win Government Research contracts where we develop some excellent technology (don't get John started on creep and hysteresis corrections, adaptable current loops, machine learning based STM image analysis, digital atomic-scale fabrication, an Inverse Moore's Law, etc. ad nauseum), but Zyvex Labs was not growing. With the help of an excellent (actually stellar!) advisory board and advice from our Founder Jim Von Ehr, John has gotten much more serious in efforts to commercialize the technology developed by a spectacular team of Zyvexian scientists and technical folks: James H.G. Owen, Udi Fuchs, Moutaz Haq, and Robin Santini, and collaborators: Prof. Reza Moheimani (and his troupe of great grad students), Dr. Rick Silver and his excellent team at NIST, Dr. Sergei Kalinin and Dr. Maxim Ziatdinov at ORNL, Dr. Wiley Kirk at 3D Epitaxial Technologies, and Dr. Shashank Misra and his team at Sandia National Labs. It is worth noting that the efforts of this enormous pool of talent has produced the most accurate lithography on the planet. The image on the right of 100 nearly perfect 7.7nm squares backs up this claim.

In Zyvex Labs commercialization efforts, John has been aided by: financial Zyvexians Barbara Johnson, Ria Choksi, and Dave Peters; DOE supplied advisors Louise Epstein, Chuck DeMilo, and Tony Simpson; our Quality Management consultant Tab Ashwill; and a new consultant Dean Adams. In 2022 these efforts have begun to pay off. In 2021 we sold 0 of our primary product, ZyVector, a Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM) Lithography controller and eeked out a very small profit. In 2022 we have sold 4 ZyVectors, will have a respectable profit, and, more importantly, have made great progress expanding the opportunities for commercial revenue. This has allowed us to plan for growth in 2023.

John is also involved in the Zyvex Labs spin out Teliatry, which is on its way to dirupting the active biomedical device industry. Rahul Saini, CEO of Teliatry, is charting an exciting path. Their vagus nerve stimulator is already in Human trails with great success. They have partnered with an important company in the neuromodualtion for pain relief area, are looking into entering the veteranary industury for near term revenue growth, and have been subcontractors on DARPA (and other Goverment agencies) programs to help pay their development costs. 2023 also looks like a breakout year for Teliatry.

John Hits the Road: John had essentially no business travel in 2020 and 2021, but 2022 included several business trips for both Zyvex Labs and Teliatry.

  • In January, John and Rahul Saini go to Orlando Florida for Teliatry and to say Hi! to Goofy.
  • In March, John and James Owen go to Chicago for the March APS Meeting.
  • In May, John traveled to DC to give a talk for Teliatry (Rahul was sick) to the Philosophical Society of Washington (PSW).
  • In June, John and James Owen go to New Orleans for the EIPBN.
  • Also in June, John off to DC again for a talk by Charles Tahan on Quantum Technology at the PSW.
  • Also in June, John and Rahul go to Austin for a large Veterinary Neurologist convention (the Teliatry booth was mobbed).
  • In July, John and S.V. Sreenivasan go to DARPA in search of heterogeneous integration dollars.
  • In Sept, John, James, and Robin go to Europe for the Belgian Beer, MNE, Univ. of Zurich, ScientaOmicron, and Rieslings.
  • In Oct, John went to Quebec for the Silicon Quantum Electronics Workshop and to mispronounce many French words.
  • In Nov, John went to DARPA forward (TAMU) to see S.V., ShaC, and drink Shiner Cheer at the Dixie Chicken.
  • Also in Nov, John & James went to San Fran for a DOE review. John visited Dave and Valerie Long and then flew to LA to visit Ashley.

For Science and Technology Geeks:
Last year I provided a link to a Video of Wiley Kirk, The Texas AVS Chapter President, hosting a talk by Professor Alex Ignatiev discussing manufacturing on the moon. Several of you mentioned you enjoyed that.

As mentioned above John has some interactions with the PSW, which maintains a treasure trove of excellent science and technology talks available via this link:PSW Science. There you can see a schedule of upcoming events, AND, by selecting the EVENTS menu and pulling down to the PAST EVENTS link and clicking it you will have a huge number of interesting talks to choose from. I will suggest one here. Ingenuity: The First Flying Machine on Mars I particularly like this one because the scientists on the Mars mission complained about having to waste precious mass on something that was just "a technology demonstration" only to find its extreme usefulness at planning rover excursions on the planet. Enjoy!

The Randalls' Weekend Christmas Party
Ian was busy doing enough sessions at Equinox to assure him an end of year bonus. Ashley now has fewer human resources to watch her kitties in California so she did not come to Dallas. Plus it was Friggin Frigid outside. And, on top of these restrictions, Patrice got COVID for Christmas (she is doing fine - recovering nicely). All of this conspired to scale our week long Christmas Party from last year to a weekend party consiting of just Patrice, John, and Ian and kept our activities indoors.

The Relativity Report

Randall Ramblings:
John s brother Mike and his Wife Margaret are both retired and still in Houston. They seem to be in a competition to see who can have the most number of artificial joints. Right now they are tied at three to three. However, artificial joints don't seem to have slowed either down much, they are still biking though not quite as much and have avoided running over each other. Margaret has taken to quilting big time (actually for a few years now) including a T-Shirt quilting art form where the front and back of the quilt has the front and back of the T-Shirts aligned. Mike continues to collect and repair all manner of firearms, load his own ammunition and goes hunting several times a year.

Two Dolls named Abigail and Tucker
John's Sister Cindy and Hubby Skip are definitely not retired and are still making sure young gymnasts in Texas and surrounding states are still wearing the latest sequined and/or sparkly fashions. Just a hint of how busy they are, Cindy tells me that she and Skip will be out of town at different gymnastic meets for three out of the four weekends in January.

Cindy's and Skip's offspring have produced plentiful offspring. Cole, Skip's son, and Cole's wife had children numbers 4 and 5 in 2022. The photo of Abigail and Tucker looks like a couple of dolls (in both meanings). Cindy's girls Kelsie (still a paid vampire extracting blood from customers) child Riylinn is seen next to her cousins David and Sarah. David and Sarah of course belong to Shelly, Cindy's oldest, and a superstar working for Microsoft. Shelly's husband Matt continues to be a successful entrepreneur.

Riylinn, David, & Sarah

The Stepchinski Report:
Patrick, Patrice's older brother is still retired and he and Erica still live in Houston. Their daughter Leanne is working on her PhD in Geology in Florida. Their son Alan has gone back to school (UT Austin) to get a degree in Nursing.

Patrice's baby brother Nigel and wife Rhonda are also living in Houston (though the other end of it) and are also retired. Their son Kyle is working as a business analyst. Their daughter Caitlin (Nurse) and husband Tyler (Fireman) live nearby and now have two beautiful little girls Annabelle and Adeline.

Adeline and Annabelle

We could not get everyone together!

    Ian and Patrice.

    John and Patrice

            Ian, Patrice, and John

    Ashley & Sparkling Wine

    Ashley & Iphone

The Randalls wish you all a Happy and Prosperous 2023!

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